Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pam Interviews Rep. Tammy Baldwin

So I'm typing away here on Radio Row, sitting on a folding chair with the laptop on another chair. I look up and who is walking by? Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who earlier in the day introduced Michelle Obama at the HRC/Victory Fund LGBT delegate luncheon.

She actually recognized me and came over and gave me a hug and introduced her partner Lauren Azar (who you might recall, ended up in the news over the military's attempt to deny the ability of Azar to fly with Baldwin on a fact-finding trip; Speaker Pelosi intervened). Mike Signorile snapped up his audio equipment to do a short interview, and I videotaped it. I got in a question at the end. I'll have the full video up once I have time, but below the fold is the snippet with my question and her answer.

To read more about Pam's Day 2 coverage, click here.

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